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Barcelona Workshop 2013:

Within WP8 activities, a questionnaire has been designed to collect information of the way the scientists and decision-makers transmit the information between them and to the population/media. We hope it will help us to identify different communication structures and strategies on different countries / volcanoes.

The questionnaire has been designed for both scientists and decision-makers, and therefore is divided into two main sections. The first (and longest) section is specific to scientists and tries to decipher the structure and organisation of the Scientific Committee(s). It is followed by a block about how scientists communicate both to the decision makers and (if it is the case) to the media and population. The second section is specific to decision-makers and tries to identify how they want to receive the scientific information (language, qualitative/quantitative information, probabilities… etc) and how they communicate with both the media and the population. After each section, an open question asks the respondent about his opinion on the suitability of the present structure/rules/praxis and (if there is any) aspects that he/she would modify.
