function [vx,vy,vv,ex,ey] = readicevelocity_0670(x,y,filepath) % This function reads average ice sheet velocity from Greenland % % % kristin poinar % for glaciology class midterm project %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INPUTS INFO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % x desired locations in x, meters (north polar stereographic / EPSG:3413) % y desired locations in y, meters (north polar stereographic / EPSG:3413) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FILES NEEDED %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % greenland_vel_mosaic250_vx_v1.tif % greenland_vel_mosaic250_vy_v1.tif % from the url in the header % this is about 500 MB of data %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% OUTPUTS INFO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % vx velocity in x direction, m/yr % vy velocity in y direction, m/yr % vv speed, m/yr % Read from the TIF files % filepath = './nsidc-0670/'; filestem = 'greenland_vel_mosaic250_'; dx = 250; dy = 250; vels.x = -645125 : dx : (859875-dx); vels.y = -3370125: dy :(-640125-dy); vels.vx = flipud(imread(strcat(filepath,filestem,'vx_v1.tif'))); vels.vy = flipud(imread(strcat(filepath,filestem,'vy_v1.tif'))); vels.ex = flipud(imread(strcat(filepath,filestem,'ex_v1.tif'))); vels.ey = flipud(imread(strcat(filepath,filestem,'ey_v1.tif'))); % Clip to x, y window we want % j = find(vels.x > min(x) & vels.x < max(x)); % i = find(vels.y > min(y) & vels.y < max(y)); % vels.vx = vels.vx(i,j); % vels.vy = vels.vy(i,j); % vels.x = vels.x(j); % vels.y = vels.y(i); % Remove flagged pixels of no data (-2e9) temp = find(vels.vx < -1e9); vels.vx(temp) = NaN; vels.vy(temp) = NaN; clear dx dy temp % Interpolate to the input grid vx = double(interp2(vels.x,vels.y,vels.vx,x,y)); vy = double(interp2(vels.x,vels.y,vels.vy,x,y)); ex = double(interp2(vels.x,vels.y,vels.ex,x,y)); ey = double(interp2(vels.x,vels.y,vels.ey,x,y)); % Total velocity = speed vv = sqrt(vx.^2 + vy.^2);