New Weights for PCQ Runs

By Puneet Singla

University at Buffalo, SUNY (UB)

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Here are all the files for PCQ runs.


pdfs for all parameters are assumed to be uniform.

The first column in the file corresponds to vent radius quad points
Second column ----> vent velocity
Third column------> grain size
Fourth column------> sigma
fifth column--------> quadrature weights for 13^4 pts which we shall use later to combine statistical properties of outcome of Bent model from various runs.
sixth column--------> quadrature weights for 7^4 pts which we shall use later to combine statistical properties of outcome of Bent model from various runs.

BentQuadCCNonUniform13pts is same except that distribution for vent velocity and sigma are gaussian like pdfs.


pdfs for all parameters are assumed to be uniform.

The first column in the file corresponds to vent radius quad points
Second column ----> vent velocity
Third column------> grain size
Fourth column------> sigma
fifth column--------> quadrature weights for 9^4 pts which we shall use later to combine statistical properties of outcome of Bent model from various runs.
sixth column--------> quadrature weights for 5^4 pts which we shall use later to combine statistical properties of outcome of Bent model from various runs.

BentQuadCCNonUniform9pts is same except that distribution for vent velocity and sigma are gaussian like pdfs.


  1. PCQ