% This script compares measurements from eight different studies to six % different Splash Functions % Created by Kristen Fauria: May 15, 2016 % We use a Splash Function with crater depth as the characteristic length % scale close all %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Data must be loaded from SplashCompilation.xlsx (tab 3 - Matlab) as % "data" %Preliminaries % g=9.8; % gravity (m/s2) mew=0.5; %assumed tangent of the friction angle % Remove some data with nan values [row,col]=find(isnan(data(:,6)));%Remove rows with nan values for the number of suspended particles data(row,:)=[]; [row,col]=find(isnan(data(:,3)));%Remove rows with nan values for the ratio of particle masses data(row,:)=[]; %% % Label each column from the spreadsheet Study=data(:,1); %The study number where 1 = Mitha et al., 2 = Beladjine et al.,; 3 = Oger et al.,; 4 = Wu et al., (2013); 5 = This study; 6 = Werner and Haff; 7 = Anderson and Haff (1988); 8 = Willetts and Rice. Method=data(:,2); % 1 = physical experiments; 2 = computer simulations MassRatio=data(:,3); % Ratio of incident particle mass to ejected particle mass VI=data(:,4); % Vertical incident speed in meters per second VR=data(:,5); % Vertical rebound speed in meters per second NumberEjected=data(:,6); % The total number of ejected particles DE=data(:,7); % The diameter of ejected particles in cm ImpactAngle=data(:,8); % The degrees from horizontal at which the impactor hit the substrate IncidentSpeed=data(:,9); % The total incident speed of the impactor in meters per second EjectionAngle=data(:,10); % The angle at which the impactor rebounded from the substrate ReboundSpeed=data(:,11); % The speed at which the impactor rebounded from the substrate AngleAssumption=data(:,12); % 0 = impacting particle ejection angle measured; 1 = imacting particle ejection angle assumed the same as the incident angle DI=data(:,13); % The incoming particle diamter in cm DensityRatio=data(:,14); % Ratio of incident particle density to substrate or ejected particle density %% % compare our results to existing Splah Functions % Create figure figure; set(gca,'FontSize',20) load('colorblind_colormap.mat'); MarkerType=['*','v','.','x','o','<','s','d','^','+']; order=[1,8,6,7,2,3,4,5,9,10]; set(gca,'FontSize',20) x=[10^-3 10 10^6]; y=[10^-3 10 10^6]; plot(x,y,'k-','LineWidth',1.5);hold on en=sqrt(0.008); % Calculate expected crater depth H=IncidentSpeed.^2/(2*g);% H in meters (the corresponding height from which an impactor is dropped) DC=0.14*mew^-1*(DensityRatio).^(0.5).*(DI/100).^(2/3).*(H).^(1/3); %EL=(2*g.*NumberEjected.*DC)./(MassRatio.*IncidentSpeed.^2); XLabels={'$3.36\sin{\theta_i}(0.00572V_{i}-0.915)$';'$0.55(V_i-40\sqrt(gd_i))$';'$(0.4V_i-4)+(V_i-25)\sin{\theta_i}$';'$[\frac{d_{i}}{d_{e}}]^{3}\frac{V_{i}^2}{gd_{i}}$';'$0.3\frac{V_{i}^{2}}{a^{2}{gd}}$';'$\frac{\beta_2{V_{in}}^{2}}{{gd}}$';'$\frac{\frac{1}{2}e_{n}^{2}m_{i}V_{i}^{2}}{0.14m_{e}g\mu^{-1}\sqrt{\frac{\rho_{i}}{\rho_{s}}}d_{i}^{\frac{2}{3}}\big(\frac{V_{i}^{2}}{2g}\big)^{\frac{1}{3}}}$'}; % Calculate the Splash Function for each study for i=1:10%number of studies k=order(i); hold on for j=1:length(data(:,1)) % give each study a different symbol and plot in the order given by "order" hold on if Method(j)==1 %define color based on experimental or simulation study Color=colorblind(5,:); else Color=colorblind(4,:); end Splash(j,1)= 3.36*sin(deg2rad(ImpactAngle(j)))*(0.00572*(IncidentSpeed(j)-0.915)); %Werner (1990) Splash(j,2)= 0.55*(IncidentSpeed(j)-40*sqrt(g*DI(j)/100)); %Oger (2008), first Splash(j,3)= (0.4*IncidentSpeed(j)-4)+(IncidentSpeed(j)-25)*sin(ImpactAngle(j)); % Oger (2008) second Splash(j,4)= (DI(j)/DE(j))^3*(IncidentSpeed(j)^2/(g*DE(j)/100)); % Anderson (1987) Splash(j,5)= 0.3*(IncidentSpeed(j)^2/(g*DI(j)/100)); %Androetti (2004) Splash(j,6)= (en)^2*(VI(j)^2/(2*g*DI(j)/100)); %Wu (2013) Splash(j,7)= (en^2)*MassRatio(j)*IncidentSpeed(j)^2/(2*g*DC(j)); %our splash function with constant en for ij =1:7 set(gca,'FontSize',16); subplot(3,3,ij) xlim([10^-2 10^6]); ylim([10^2 10^6]); hold on if Study(j)==k; loglog(Splash(j,ij),NumberEjected(j),MarkerType(k),'MarkerEdgeColor',Color,'MarkerSize',5,'LineWidth',2); end plot(x,y,'k','LineWidth',1.5); ylabel('N_e'); ax.XTick = [0.01 10^0 10^2 10^4 10^6]; ax.YTick = [0.01 10^0 10^2 10^4 10^6]; xlabel(XLabels{ij},'interpreter','latex','FontSize',20);%label x-axis end end end