%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BM2: viscous flow from a point source down a slope %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The files A = Lister_1992_data_experiment1_slope2_5_degrees_flow_front and B = Lister_1992_data_experiment1_slope2_5_degrees_flow_contour are extracted from the experimental data presented in the following paper: J. Lister. Viscous flows down an inclined plane from point and line sources. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 242(1):631–653, 1992. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0022112092002520 Both data are from experiment 1 (see Table 2 in Lister, 1992). File A corresponds to the advance of the viscous flow with time (top figure 9 of Lister, 1992): - first column is time in seconds - second column is downslope distance from source in centimeters (errorbar around 1 centimeter). File B corresponds to the flow contours at different times during experiment 1 (top figure 10 of Lister, 1992): - first column is the X-coordinate in centimeters (upslope or downslope - the point source is located at X=0), - second colum is the Y-coordinate in centimeters (cross-slope - the point source is located at Y=0), - third column is time in seconds. The error bar for X and Y-coordinates is estimated around 1 centimeter.