Petrological INput - Graphical oUtput

By Joaquin Alberto Cortes1, Jose L. Palma1

1. University at Buffalo, SUNY (UB)

A tool to plot geochemical data in petrology

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Archive Version 1.6.1
Published on 11 Nov 2014
Latest version: 2.2. All versions

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Pingu is a tool for plotting standard major element and trace elements diagrams. The input is a file separated by tabs or spaces in which each row is a particular sample. There are two ways to input the data: right button-click upload or from the Workspace (advanced users). A tab with different alternatives of plots and another to set the key of the plot are provided. The output can be directly downloaded from Vhub to your personal computer as a high quality jpeg image. Current Available plots: * Harker variation diagrams * Fenner Variation diagrams * TAS classification diagram * K,,2,,O-!SiO,,2,, classification diagram * Miyashiro diagram to discriminate between calk-alkaline and tholeiitic series * AFM diagram (Kuno and Irvine and Baragar versions) * CMAS Projection * Yoder and Tilley tetrahedron for basalt classification * REE elements diagram * Sun and !McDonough spider diagrams * Pearce Spider diagram * Pearce and Cann tectonic settings diagrams * Generic ternary plot (X-Y-Z) * Generic binary (X-Y) plot To run the tool sign up for [ The Pingu Appreciation Society Group], an Open group with all ancillary info about the tool. You will find detailed tutorial and examples that will help you running the tool.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Joaquin Alberto Cortes; Jose L. Palma (2023), "Petrological INput - Graphical oUtput,"

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